SAHELIA (サヘリーア)
インドでダンサー、女優として活躍中のSudha Chandran氏や、Vaibhavi Marchant氏のアシスタントとして現在ボリウッド業界で活躍中の振付師TJ、世界的に活躍するトップダンサーKaran Pangaliの元で、様々なスタイルを学び本格ボリウッドスタイルを表現することを常に目指している。
Sahelia was first established in 2008, and rebranded from 2013.
On a yearly basis the group travels to Mumbai to learn more authentic Bollywood styles from the famous Ms Sudha Chandran and Ms Tejaswi Shetty (TJ).
TJ is an acclaimed Bollywood choreographer and prior the assistant to Vaibhavi Merchant and Shiamak Davar amongst others. She has been involved in many stage Bollywood shows and teaches to most of the Indian Bollywood actors and actresses.
Sahelia learns various authentic styles like Semi Classic, modern fusion Bollywood, and Dandiya etc.
Our aim is to dance Bollywood so it enables the exchange of cultures and to serve as a bridge between Japan and India.

Yukari Sidhu (シドゥー由佳里)
その後ボリウッドへ魅せられた気持ちは更に強まり、いつしか本場インドで習ってみたいと変わり、独立後はインドの有名ダンサーであり女優のスダ チャンドラン氏の元やボリウッド業界で現在も振付師として活躍するTJの元で、毎年ダンス修行を行い、より本物に近いボリウッドダンスを習得し、日本にもその魅力を広めたいという強い思いがある。
Yukari first learnt modern ballet at a young age. After getting married to her Indian Australian born husband, she learned about Indian Bollywood dance from Ms Coco Ayumi and performed with her friends at their own wedding party. The group name “Sahelia” was selected as it means “Bridesmaids” in North India, which is the roots of her husband.
Thereafter, the feeling of being fascinated by Bollywood further strengthened her mind to learn in India yearly. Yukari became independent and started to learn from famous choreographers in Mumbai on more authentic styles.
She wants to spread the joy of Indian Bollywood in Japan.